Monday, April 30, 2012

Neal Stephenson

If you like really, really long books, then look into Neal Stephenson. Our first exposure was Cyrptonomicon (1168 pages). Loved it. Then there was the Baroque Cycle (2256 pp), and Anathem (981 pp), both of them enormous fan favorites. We haven't read Reamde yet, and can't decide whether to read the physical book that we have on our shelf (1056 pp) or listen to the audiobook, which we have on our iPhone (38 hours and 34 minutes). We can recommend Snow Crash with only two reservations: it's got a lot of Sumerians in it, and it's only 440 pages long, a veritable short story by Stephenson standards. They have the original of one of his manuscripts at the Science Fiction Museum in Seattle. It's about as tall as an eighth-grader.

Stephenson has a new project with some fellow writers...

Yeah, book trailers are dumb. The ones that are good to watch seem totally removed from the act of reading. Oh, well. We'd read NS no matter what he does, or who he does it with. We just have to remember to set aside a few weeks in advance.

[Video via Geek Dad.]

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