Friday, May 11, 2012

Freemasons: The original geeks

The building of cathedrals, for a while, was the epitome of tech. We can look at some of the old classics today and still have our breath taken away by the scope and spiritual majesty of these buildings. But they weren't easy to build, and only a handful of people knew how. Cathedrals were built by the Church, but not by local members of the religion. The Church had to find the people who had the knowledge, the ones who called themselves the free masons, to do the job. And the free masons, recognizing in one another kindred spirits, started hanging out together to share ideas and skills.

But then something happened that changed Masonry completely, and (I believe) did eventually turn it into an occult conspiracy. Upper–class men who weren’t trained masons wanted to join Scotland’s Masonic lodges. They were refused at first, but were later accepted under the provision that they paid double the dues of working masons... This new membership policy gradually detached Masonry from its engineering roots, and within a couple of generations, more Masons were wealthy gentlemen than actual builders.

That's from Flashback: Masonic Conspiracy Revealed! a really good article on a) cathedrals and b) secret societies.

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